Rhein-Ruhr Marathon

May 2025

Start Time : TBC
Number of Places : TBC

The Rhein-Ruhr Marathon, is one of Germany's oldest urban marathons. It first took place in 1981. There is also a half marathon and relay race.

Rhein-Ruhr Marathon Route
The route is made up of one full circuit. The surface is very flat and runners have a good chance of achieving a PB.

Runners start from the Kruppstrasse in the Sportpark Wedau. From there the race takes them through Neudorf towards the city centre. Here the half-marathon course takes runners in a southerly direction towards the Dellviertel, while the full marathon course directs them towards the Inner Harbour and then through Kasslerfeld and Ruhrort.

After a short run through Meiderich the race continues over the Friedrich-Ebert-Bridge onto the left bank of the Rhein. From Alt-Homberg it turns South and goes via Essenberg and Hochemmerich to Rheinhausen. The Bruecke der Solidaritaet then takes everyone back over the Rhein into Hochfeld, where at the 28 km mark, it connects back with the half-marathon course heading in from the North. The course then turns South. It leads runners on to Wanheimerort, Buchholz and Huckingen and then via Grossenbaum and Wedau on to the finish in the MSV-Arena.

Rhein-Ruhr Marathon Entry
* Entry Fee : TBC
* Registration Deadline : TBC

Contact Details
Contact : Stadtsportbund Duisburg
Address : Bildungswerk, Bertaallee 8b, 47055 Duisburg
Tel. : 0049 203 30 00 811
Fax. : 0049 203 30 00 888
Email : info@rhein-ruhr-marathon.de
Website : https://www.rhein-ruhr-marathon.de

Further Information
* Cut-off time : Runners will be expected to finish within 5.30 hours.