Graz Marathon

October 2025

Start Time : TBC
Number of Places : TBC

The Graz Marathon, is a very popular marathon attracting almost 1,000 runners from many different nations. There are other races to enjoy, including a half marathon and quarter marathon.

Graz Marathon Route
The full marathon is a two lap race, starting and finishing is the Opera House.

The race starts with a mildly uphill 2km slope to the Hilmteich, a pleasant little pond in a leafy part of the city. From there, the route runs 3km downhill towards the River Mur, passing near to the Botanical Garden and University. Participants then pass through the residential and industrial areas of the suburbs before a short section along a footpath next to the river. The final kilometre runs along tram tracks on Herrengasse, Graz's impressive main shopping street.

Graz Marathon Entry
* Entry Fee : TBC
* Registration Deadline : TBC

Contact Details
Contact : Alexandra Hornhofer
Address : Schoenaugasse 64, 8010 Graz, Austria
Tel. : +43 660 9710200
Email :
Website :