Eifel Marathon

June 2025

Start Time : TBC
Number of Places : TBC

The Eifel Marathon was first run in 1966. There are also accompanying ultra-marathon, half marathon and 10K races.

Eifel Marathon Route
The Eifel Marathon is highly regarded for its amazingly scenic route. It has been described as beautiful, but hilly.

Runners start and finish in Waxweiler. They head out on the out-and-back route along the bank of the river Pruem via Eifel villages, forests & meadows and a marvellously scenic landscape.

Eifel Marathon Entry
* Entry Fee : TBC
* Registration Deadline : TBC

Contact Details
Contact : Rita Brandenburg
Address : Eifelmarathon Registered Association, c/o Rita Brandenburg, On Staudigt 25, 54649 Waxweiler
Tel. : 0049 06554 420
Email : info@eifelmarathon.de
Website : https://www.eifelmarathon.com

Further Information
* Cut-off Time : Runners will be expected to finish within 7 hours.
* Pasta Party : A pasta party will be held on the day before the race.