15 June 2025
Start Time : 9:10 a.m.
Number of Places : 5,000
The D-Day Landings Marathon (also known as the Caen Marathon de la Liberte), half marathon (Le Pegasus) and 10K are all popular races.
Together they make up Les Courants de la Liberte festival of races.
D-Day Landings Marathon Route
Often described as the D-Day Landings Marathon, the Marathon de la Liberte passes close to many of the sites associated with the Allied invasion
of 1944. Its coastal and rural location also earns it being described as one the most beautiful courses in France.
The D-Day Landings Marathon is point-to-point, with the start line at Courseulles sur Mer to the finish line at the Memorial of Caen. The race is fairly flat,
but even with 15km of the route being coastal, there are some hills to battle. That said the race receives many good reviews, particularly for
taking in many beautiful and historical locations along the way.
D-Day Landings Marathon Entry
* Entry Fee : TBC
* Registration Deadline : TBC
Contact Details
Contact : Les Courants de la Liberte
Address : Esplanade D.Eisenhower, 14050 Caen Cedex 4
Tel. : 00 33 2 31 95 17 23
Fax. : 00 33 2 31 06 06 70
Email : infos@lescourantsdelaliberte.com
Website : https://www.marathondelaliberte.fr/en/
Further Information
* Cut-off Time : Runners are expected to finish within 5:30 hours.